Running Docker on Proxmox

I wanted to run this cool looking internet monitor I found on GitHub.

It runs in Docker and was originally intended for Raspberry Pi. But, I ignored most of that and decided to run it on Docker and I decided to run Docker on my Proxmox box so I can run other stuff too.

This is what worked best for me:

First I downloaded a Turnkey Linux Core container template from inside Proxmox

Then I followed these instructions right up until he tells you not to install docker using apt. (I went too fast, installed it then deleted the container and started over)

After that, I stopped the video and went to the page he mentions in the video. There I stumbled across a much easier option. His page:

After that, I went back to Github and followed a few steps here:

git clone
cd internet-monitoring
docker-compose up -d

Of course that didn’t completely work so I had to do another step.

apt install docker-compose

Then repeat this:

git clone
cd internet-monitoring
docker-compose up -d

Then, I followed the instructions and was able to login and see cool stuff on my new internet monitor. (which I wanted cause Comcast is generally unreliable)

It has only been running for a few minutes. I’ll update with a better screenshot later. Now, to figure out how it all works. Grafana has been on my to learn list for a while.

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