Category: Tech Notes
PF Sense renew ip when connection lost
Renews ip and logs to system.log. Change wan=”em5″ to match your wan interface. Diagnostics / Edit File: Enter file name /usr/local/bin/ and paste the file from above in there and click Save. Update igb1...
Batch confirmation prompt
@echo off setlocal :PROMPT SET /P AREYOUSURE=Are you sure you want to install malware(Y/[N])? IF /I “%AREYOUSURE%” NEQ “Y” GOTO END “\\server\deploy$\office\office_deploy.bat” :END endlocal exit
Netsh network Trace w/out wireshark
Netsh network Trace w/out wireshark. It can be converted in Message Analyzer to a Wireshark-compatible cap format if you want to use Wireshark for analysis.